Dear Friend of the Library,
Since its founding, the Morris County Library Foundation has been dedicated to making the library a cornerstone of our community and a treasured resource for our children, families and neighbors.
A small gift to your county library helps to support our community’s children, seniors, disabled, job seekers and small businesses, all of whom need our crucial assistance now more than ever. With your tax-deductible gift, you will be helping the Library continue to grow and flourish.
The Morris County Library Foundation’s mission is to create a self-sustaining resource for the future growth and development of the Library. Our goals can only be reached with your continued support.
The Morris County Library continues to be one of the finest educational, cultural and lending
facilities in the state. I am proud to be associated with such a special place.
The Library receives no government funds for programs, and relies solely on
the generosity of our community friends like you. Won’t you please take a
moment to send your donation for 2021/2022 to the Morris County Library
Foundation today by clicking on the "Support" button at the top of this
page today?
William Cogger, President